4 Oct 2013

Nokia Amber Update Hits Lumia 520 In Canada

Earlier, it was reported that Nokia Lumia 520 on various Canadian carriers will get the Nokia Amber/GDR2 update very soon. Now, it seems that Nokia Amber update is available for Lumia 520 on several Canadian carriers including Rogers, TELUS, Chatr Wireless, Koodo and PC Mobile.
Nokia Lumia 520
Several users are reporting that Nokia Amber update is now hitting the devices in Canada. The Nokia Software Update page is also showing that the Amber/GDR2 update is now available for all major Canadian carriers.
The Amber update brings several new features including FM Radio, glance screen, Nokia Smart Camera app, double tap to wake up and much more.
The update should reach all the devices in the coming days as the update is rolled out gradually. Otherwise, you can manually try to check for the update by going to your device settings. If you received the update, please share about the new features. Do you notice any improvement in performance?
Source: NokiaMobileSyrup


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