13 Oct 2013

Microsoft Announces Xbox 360 Holiday Bundles

Microsoft comes out with Xbox 360 holiday bundles every year, but this year they have to come up with a way to push 360s without shooting themselves in the foot and pushing more people towards or away from the Xbox One instead. They’ve done this by offering three separate bundles that try their best not to remind gamers of the system that’s coming out in just a month’s time.
360 Holiday Bundles 2013

The three bundles include the following:
  1. A 250GB model that comes with Halo 4 and Tomb Raider for $300.
  2. A 4GB model that comes with Kinect and two games that make use of the device, Kinect Adventures and Kinect Sports 2, for $300.
  3. A 250GB with Kinect, the two games mentioned in the second package, andForza Horizon for $400.
They’re also taking $50 off the US Price between now and the end of the holiday season, but I don’t think that’s going to help them push these bundles. Kids, teens and adults everywhere are going to want the latest and greatest gaming has to offer this holiday season.
Personally I’m holding out to get my PS4 until Spring, but I wouldn’t mind someone buying one for me prematurely. Any particularly generous Saint Nicks out there?
Source – Engadget


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